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Website development for marriage agency Clemonds


Develop a simple website for a Ukrainian marriage agency in the USA.


  • Introduce the marriage agency and tell the story of its owner.
  • Create a catalog of girls.
  • Prepare a page for each participant with a photo and personal information.
  • Introduce additional agency services.


Modern and stylish dating site

We developed a website on a template with a simple structure. We introduced the main page, a catalog of girls for dating, a service page with prices, a section about the agency and contacts.

We added a feedback form, buttons to go to instant messengers and social networks.



Presentation of a marriage agency

The page contained blocks with information about the owner of the agency, her photo and personal marriage story, and the dating procedure on the site. Potential grooms can contact the owner by phone, via instant messengers, or by filling out a special form to clarify details, give a gift to the girl they like, or get help in organizing a meeting with her.


We created a catalog with the ability to sort girls by age (you can select wife candidates under 45 and after 45 years). Photos and short information about each participant were posted on the page. And when you click on the photo, a page opens with more detailed information and additional photos.



Dating site on any device

Photos and information about girls are available from any device connected to the Internet.


Digital agency Europe

We will develop a brand and platform for online sales [Site ❤ Landing ❤ Online store ❤ Portal]. We will build a system for automating processes in your business [CRM ❤ Telephony ]. Let's create a lead generation system using internet marketing tools [PPC ❤ SEO ❤ SMM]

Choose a communication method that is convenient for you:

Evaluation of your project
Construction of a work plan
Prices and terms