Website support prices 2024

For the correct uninterrupted operation of any web resource, technical support and maintenance are important. If you want to find out how much website technical support costs in Europe and what is included in its price, we offer a price list for 2024 from the digital agency iFish.

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Why does a website need constant maintenance?

Due to the rapid development of information technology, it is not uncommon for a website to become outdated even before it is launched. This affects the operation of the resource, the speed of loading pages, the inability to engage in promotion, which in turn reduces the efficiency of doing business and leads to loss of profit. Therefore, the site needs regular updating, optimization and improvement in order to keep up with the times, work stably and be popular among network users. Website maintenance involves the implementation of a set of measures aimed at ensuring the functionality of the web resource, timely updating of information, improving functionality and usability. Website maintenance helps solve the following problems:

  1. organize stable operation of the site;
  2. monitor resource performance;
  3. make a backup copy of your data;
  4. update data regularly;
  5. increase page loading speed;
  6. promptly eliminate errors and bugs;
  7. provide protection against viruses;
  8. update content;
  9. modernize the site;
  10. set up hosting.

This means that for the successful development of an online business, website maintenance is a prerequisite. But it is important that all work is carried out competently and in a timely manner. Therefore, this matter should be entrusted to professionals. With their help, you can get high results while saving time and money.

Common misconceptions about website support

Questions about the need for technical support for a site arise due to ignorance or misunderstanding of the causes of various problems in its functioning. Clients often develop fears and false beliefs that prevent them from establishing stable operation of the resource and effectively running an online business. In addition to eliminating malfunctions in the online platform, technical support includes solving many other problems and performing routine actions (including preventive ones) aimed at ensuring the normal functioning of the resource.

8 myths about website technical support:

No support needed

It is psychologically difficult for the customer to accept that after completing the development process, the site still requires financial investments. Often the client discovers only after launching the resource and receiving feedback from consumers that something needs to be changed or improved.
01 Stage

Can be maintained independently

Content management systems simplify working with them, but significant changes require the participation of a programmer, layout designer, designer and other specialists. If you do not have specialized knowledge and skills, you will not be able to maintain the resource alone - you will need professional technical support.
02 Stage

All you need is advertising

Of course, advertising and promotion of an online resource is an important part of the work after launch, allowing you to attract new customers and increase income. But marketing activities will only bring results if the site works properly and quickly, and the navigation is clear to users, and this will ensure support and maintenance of the resource.
03 Stage

Support is a waste of money on incomprehensible services

Signing an agreement for ongoing website maintenance is viewed with hostility. The client sees only disadvantages in the form of regular cash investments. But this is not true, because by negotiating with specialists, you get a smoothly running platform, high page loading speed, prompt elimination of errors and bugs, and a quick response to problems that arise, including with hosting.
04 Stage

One-time support

Many people believe that they can order partial one-time support from freelancers if a problem arises. But then be prepared that studying the site, identifying the cause of the failure and finding a solution will take time, and therefore your money.
05 Stage

Enough CMS support

Customers confuse website maintenance with content management system support. But the task of finalizing and improving the site cannot be solved with CMS support. In addition, the simpler the content management system, that is, the more flexible, the more difficult it is to configure, that is, to program. Any changes in layout and design require a professional approach, and here the presence of a convenient CMS does not matter.
06 Stage

The site works fine without support

Somehow a functioning website can attract visitors for some time. However, with such a powerful tool, you are not using it to its fullest. Your competitors, ordering comprehensive support and improving their Internet resource, earn significantly more, leaving you behind.
07 Stage

Our tasks will be solved by a visual editor

However, editors are designed to make the job of content creators easier. But you will not be able to perform actions aimed at modernizing and developing the site. In addition, the quality of the code generated by editors is usually low.
08 Stage

Types of services for website support and improvement

Technical support and maintenance include a whole range of actions to ensure the normal operation of sites. This includes both solving general technical issues and tasks related to programming and promotion. You can order the service in a comprehensive manner – when specialists study the web resource, carry out the necessary work to eliminate problems and improve functionality, and promptly respond to failures that arise during the operation of the site. Or you can choose specific actions necessary to develop your site.


Basic services for website support and improvement:

Type of servicePrice
transferring a resource to another domain or hostingfrom €70
transition of the site to the HTTPs protocol without loss of positions and trafficfrom €150
treatment for virusesfrom €250
restoring the site after hacker attacksfrom €250
technical audit of the online platformfrom €400
speed optimizationfrom €1200
adaptive designfrom €900
SEO optimizationfrom €600
integration with 1C or delivery servicesfrom €400
creation of additional language versionsfrom €700
Google map connectionfrom €50

Also available are services such as domain registration, changing the site structure, updating posted information, removing duplicate pages, optimizing graphics, etc.



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Website support cost

Website support includes comprehensive work on filling text and visual content, adding new options, ensuring file security, adaptation, increasing the speed of the site and updating. It consists of technical, graphic and information components. The average cost is from 250 € per month (20 hours of work).

  • Information support

Timely updating, adding and deleting text content. Cost – from 70 € per month.

  • Graphic support

Minor changes in design, as well as the creation of banners, unique illustrations, buttons, fonts, icons and selection of visual material for a catalog or blog. Price – from 70 € per month.

  • Website technical support

Creation and connection of additional options, programs, modules, improvement of structure and navigation, site optimization. Cost – from 190 € per month. In general, the price for website support is determined taking into account the type, complexity and volume of work performed.



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Website development for the KA88 residential complex in Germany


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Website development for a law firm in the Czech Republic


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Website development for the law firm IMMIGRATION LAWYERS

Site administration cost

For a website to reach the top of search results, and for as many consumers as possible to know about products and services, it is not enough to simply develop a web resource and fill it with content. It is necessary to continue to do this – update information, menu items, add thematic sections and blocks, write tags, post useful articles, interesting text and video materials, as well as change and add product cards (for online stores), update prices, hold promotions, check the functionality and monitor the performance of the online platform. All this work can be performed by a specific specialist, whose main task will be the administration of the site, the price per month starts from 250 € .

Site administration is the actions that allow you to launch a site and maintain its functionality (updating information, deleting outdated data, adding menu items, creating a backup copy of files, paying for a domain and hosting, integrating third-party services necessary for operation, monitoring the site, etc.). This service will be useful for any web resource, especially large ones. After all, there is a lot of work with the site and not every owner is ready to do this on their own.

Cost of website maintenance

Website maintenance is an ongoing process that allows you to obtain a reliable and fully functioning web resource that is accessible to users and protected from hacking and DoS attacks. Provides control over technical aspects, page content and SEO promotion. The cost of support depends on the type of site, type and volume of work, ranking positions, number of errors, and business nuances. On average, it is from 200 € per month.

Cost of website improvement

Usually the customer notices that something is missing when the site has been operating for some time. It will definitely need improvement if it does not fulfill the assigned business objectives. In order to improve the online resource, they conduct a full audit, check the security of users’ personal and payment data, compatibility with mobile devices, develop a strategy for promotion in search engines, advise on contextual advertising and the purchase of links, promotion on social networks. The reason for poor website performance may also be outdated modules, plugins or functionality, inconsistency of the site with modern versions of browsers, or lack of search engine optimization. Improvement differs from technical support in that it involves deeper changes aimed at eliminating errors, weaknesses and improving functionality. That is, this is finding and eliminating errors, introducing or expanding functions, installing plugins, applications, developing a new design, content from scratch – in other words, a set of global works to improve the functionality and appearance of the site. The price of modification depends on the goals and the list of actions that need to be performed to improve the operation of the web resource , therefore it is calculated per hour – from 20 €/hour .



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Website development for Olean e-publisher in Spain


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Website development for the American transportation company Logistix101


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Website development for Clemonds Marriage Agency

Turnkey website technical support price

Turnkey website technical support involves performing a set of tasks.

The list includes :

  • registration, renewal, transfer, restoration of domain and hosting;
  • Google Analytics connection;
  • checking for viruses and cleaning from malicious code;
  • adding or editing text materials (quantity per month is negotiated);
  • adding or editing visual and audio materials (quantity per month is negotiated);
  • adding or editing product cards (quantity per month is negotiated);
  • creating, editing, setting up mailboxes;
  • website backup;
  • troubleshooting;
  • improving usability;
  • SEO site audit;
  • back-end modification of modules, forms, blocks;
  • page layout.

Per month, comprehensive turnkey website support is estimated at an average of 500 € .

Cost of updating a CMS website

CMS is a platform that allows you to manage any web resource. With its help, the site is filled with content. The most popular systems are WordPress, Opencart, 1C-Bitrix, etc. For the CMS to function fully, it is necessary to update it regularly – ideally, every time new updates are released. This will protect the site from hacker attacks, expand functions, and speed up work. Updating the content management system occurs due to the risk of hacking, vulnerabilities in the old version of the engine, many bugs on the web resource, and outdated functionality. Eliminating problems with engines sometimes leads to changing the content management system to a more relevant and modern option. The cost of the update is from 1000 € .

Price for website development on Wordpress

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems. This CMS is suitable for developing various types of websites – from landing pages and business cards to portals and online stores. The demand for the engine is due to its convenient and simple admin panel. In order for the site to work better, perform its functions and bring more profit, sometimes after launch it is necessary to refine the functionality. Then you need to seek help from a specialist. This is especially important if you need to configure complex plugins and templates, update to the latest version, upgrade functions, perform redesign or layout. Website development on WordPress is often paid by the hour – from 15 € . In general, the cost of the service is determined taking into account the tasks assigned and the time it will take for completion.

Price for website improvement on Bitrix

Improvement of the site on 1C-Bitrix may be necessary if you need to change the functionality, new management systems have appeared, the range of products has expanded or changed, or there is a need to redesign the main and internal pages. Illiterate modification and incorrect configuration of Bitrix leads to errors that are costly to the owners of web resources. Therefore, it is very important to contact a specialist or team of professionals in a timely manner.

They will help :

  • Correct mistakes;
  • improve functionality;
  • develop modules;
  • do a redesign;
  • fill pages with content;
  • adapt to mobile gadgets;
  • transfer the site to or from 1C-Bitrix;
  • integrate with 1C products;
  • increase work speed;
  • change hosting;
  • optimize your web resource;
  • conduct SEO, marketing, technical and usability audits;
  • test modulo A/B;
  • set goals;
  • configure the display of the site in browsers;
  • place a calculator, map, directions;
  • change the structure;
  • remove viruses.

Each task is paid separately and hourly. One-time work will cost from 40 € per hour, and complex work – from 240 € for 5 hours.



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Website development for writer Denys Tsvaig


Website development for the presentation of the Rosendelle project in Germany

Website development for the presentation of the Rosendelle project in Germany


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Website development for Eck Immomanagement in Germany

Price improvements to the Laravel site

Work with a Laravel website begins with a technical audit and error correction. Next, the modules are optimized, the template is updated, the structure is corrected, the site is configured for search engine optimization, and the functionality is expanded. Finally, they adapt the site in Laravel for mobile devices and all browsers. Revision is carried out if it is necessary to carry out a redesign, errors that arise have a significant impact on the operation of the web resource, it is necessary to create several language versions, expand the functionality or adapt the site for mobile devices. The cost of work depends on the type of resource, volume and complexity of the task. An hour of specialist work is estimated at 20-30 € .

Cost of website development on Opencart

Opencart is an engine that is often used to create online stores. The cost of updating a website using this content management system depends on business objectives. Both complete modernization and improvement of existing options can be carried out. With significant improvements, an audit and error detection are required to eliminate them. The list of development tasks includes: updating the design, setting up the order form, delivery and payment, adapting to gadgets and browsers, SEO, integration with third-party resources and databases, eliminating viruses and cleaning up malicious code, filling the online store with goods and articles, connection of an SSL certificate, etc. Website development on Opencart is estimated hourly – from 25-30 € .

Cost of updating an online store

People ask for improvements to an online store when it malfunctions or functions do not work correctly. But there are hidden errors that hinder the development of an e-commerce business. These are duplicate pages, broken links, empty meta tags, cyclic redirects and much more. To detect invisible defects, you can order analysis and comprehensive revision.

It includes :

  • adaptive design tuning;
  • revision and complete redesign of pages;
  • changing or creating new functionality;
  • finding and eliminating errors;
  • increasing download speed;
  • layout of pages with text;
  • improving usability;
  • updating or replacing the content management system;
  • development of solutions for the further development of the online store.

The cost of updating an online selling platform starts from 75 € per hour.




Website development for the Bowlers chain in Prague

Website development for the Bowlers chain in Prague


Website development for the KA88 residential complex in Germany

Website development for the KA88 residential complex in Germany


Website development for a law firm in the Czech Republic

Website development for a law firm in the Czech Republic

Website modernization: service price

Website modernization is a process aimed at improving a web resource in general and some of its functions in particular. Among the works that can be performed to improve the site: redesign, updating and development of modules, integration with social networks, increasing page loading speed, SEO optimization, moving to a new server or CMS. A separate modernization option is to develop a mobile version of the site. The cost of website modernization is on average 1550€ per month.

Information support of the site

Information support for the site, the price of which is determined taking into account the nuances of the work, involves performing a number of actions to update and optimize both text and graphic content. For up-to-date information posted on the pages of a web resource, it is necessary to update the data in a timely manner, remove outdated information and add fresh information. You should also publish useful information to attract the attention of users, keep them on the site, increase loyalty and trust in the company. In addition to preparing and updating content, this service may include translation into other languages. The cost of information support depends on the type and scope of work. On average, this is 70€ per month.

Graphic support for websites

Graphic support is part of the technical support. It involves changing design elements, updating the design of web resource pages in accordance with the corporate style of the company or the wishes of the customer. At the same time, those colors, fonts, styles and other visual components are used that are suitable for the business theme, meet the interests of the target audience and the assigned tasks. The price of graphical support for the site starts from 70 € per month.

Annual website maintenance: service price

The cost of website maintenance per month starts from 250 € , and per year – from 4500 € . If you decide to hire a specialist to solve certain problems in website support, the cost of his services is estimated hourly, starting from 15 € .



Website development for the law firm IMMIGRATION LAWYERS

Website development for the law firm IMMIGRATION LAWYERS


Website development for Olean e-publisher in Spain

Website development for Olean e-publisher in Spain


Website development for the American transportation company Logistix101

Website development for the American transportation company Logistix101

What is the cost of website maintenance?

The cost of website support and maintenance depends on a number of factors. Here are the types of work that need to be performed, the features of the Internet site itself, the time spent, etc.

On average, the price of website maintenance includes:

  • domain name and hosting services;
  • CMS features;
  • setting up and supporting DNS servers, technical support, that is, ensuring uninterrupted operation of the site, monitoring data safety and managing web services;
  • administration of servers and hosting sites;
  • information support, that is, filling the site;
  • design support, that is, work with photographs and the appearance of the site;
  • resource development: modernization activities, innovation and analytics.

Also, the cost is affected by the preparation of technical specifications, consultations, training in working with the administrative panel, etc.

What is the difference between subscription service and one-time work?

The attitude towards complex subscriber services for the site is ambiguous. This is due to a misunderstanding of what is meant by full site support. On the other hand, one-time work has such advantages as paying only for what is needed, choosing a different company for support each time, and there are no regular costs. But while there are certain advantages, the disadvantages of this approach are not taken into account at all. Among them, the cost of one-time work is often higher than with subscription services, costs can be unpredictable, and the speed of response and quality of work leaves much to be desired. Since long-term cooperation is not expected, this means there is no responsibility. The only time one-time support work is reasonable is when you choose a company to provide ongoing website maintenance. With comprehensive subscription services, the contractor fully understands your business, as he conducts an analysis and studies all the intricacies.

And this gives the following advantages :

  • the reaction speed is higher;
  • there is no bureaucracy regarding the execution of small tasks;
  • consultations are carried out;
  • the package includes additional services for hosting, monitoring, etc.;
  • website maintenance costs are calculated in advance;
  • the price of an hour of work is lower than one-time services;
  • tasks are agreed upon during execution, specific technical specifications are not needed;
  • discounts are possible;
  • the performer is responsible for the result, as he is interested in long-term cooperation.

However, regular payments will be required, careful selection of companies based on price-quality criteria, and possible underutilization of the hours included in the tariff plan. However, if you take a responsible approach to building an online business, you can easily determine what is more profitable for you – paying 100-250 € per month for a team of professionals or 15-20 € per hour of work by a specialist in one area.

Cost of website support in Germany and Poland

If you are wondering how much it costs to maintain a website in Europe, keep in mind that prices will vary in different regions. In Poland, the average cost of technical support starts from 60-100 € .

It includes :

  • monitoring the stability of the site and security systems;
  • updating the site management system;
  • database optimization;
  • copying site data to avoid data loss in the event of server malfunction or failure.

In Germany, servicing will cost slightly more. For example, a basic package, which includes control over the hosting operation, copying, file recovery and virus cleaning, will cost from 160 € , and a comprehensive package with the addition of text and visual content, structure improvements, advertising, contact updates, site support and CMS updates – from 600€ .

How much does it cost to support a website in Europe and the USA?

Prices for website maintenance in Europe and the United States of America differ. The cost of website support in Europe depends on the number of hours spent, the level of complexity of the work, and the number of specialists who need to be involved in the project. European companies involved in the development of websites for Europe and their technical maintenance estimate the cost of support from 100 € . American companies offer one-time website maintenance for 40-300 €, depending on the amount of work. Experienced web developers charge between 100-125€ per hour. The type of business also affects the cost. For some customers, it will be enough to set aside 300-500 € per year for support, while others need to allocate a budget of 5000-10 000 € .

Question answer

What is website maintenance?

Complex and large-scale Internet projects often require constant support, refinement and improvements to achieve business goals. Technical support can be provided in the first few months of site operation year-round or one-time for specific work. The cost of technical maintenance depends on the time spent on ensuring the functionality of the site, the speed of response to requests and elimination of virus attacks, and the amount of work to modernize the site.

What does website technical support include?

The list of services includes :

  • provision of domain name and hosting;
  • improving usability;
  • redesign;
  • updating and adjusting content;
  • ensuring safety and uninterrupted operation;
  • troubleshooting;
  • adaptation;
  • program code optimization;
  • speed up page loading;
  • creating a new set of functions or improving existing ones.

Technical support consists of ensuring the smooth operation of the client’s website – from the functioning of servers to the addition of new pages.

How much does it cost to maintain a website?

Website maintenance means a set of services that is formed for each project separately. The cost of an hour of work depends on the level of the specialist and starts from 15-30 € .

How much does website support cost per month?

Website support per month depends on the tariff plan. It contains a list of works and the time required to complete them. For example, a basic set of services can cost from 250-275 € , and a premium tariff plan will cost 500 € .

How much does website maintenance cost?

Website maintenance is a monthly payment for the following work:

  • monitoring resource availability;
  • creating regular backups;
  • hosting renewal and domain name payment;
  • scanning for viruses and malicious code;
  • creating and maintaining email accounts;
  • update;
  • uploading new content;
  • template adaptation;
  • making changes to the code and minor improvements as necessary.

Depending on the complexity of the project, support can cost 200 € for 10 working hours, and more than 900 € for 30 hours per month.

How much does site administration cost?

Website administration is constant information support, including filling pages with fresh news, creative ideas, current announcements, new products and services, adding unique graphic content, as well as monitoring the operation of the web resource. The cost of the service is calculated depending on the amount of work and time spent. The basic tariff starts from 200 € , and the premium one – from 500 € .

How much does it cost to run a website?

Website maintenance is assessed by the amount of work and the specialists involved. For example, round-the-clock service and support, revision, updating and content, search engine optimization for Google, support via Skype, telephone and mail, error correction and recovery, cleaning the site from viruses and malicious code with the involvement of a project manager, programmer, content manager and a copywriter will cost 135 € . If a designer is added to the team – from 240 € , and if you also need a layout designer, tester and SEO specialist, then maintaining the site will cost 560 € .

How to order website improvements?

To order website improvements from the iFish digital agency, fill out the form on the website, write a message or call the manager by phone. You can choose a channel convenient for you for communication : e-mail, Skype, Viber, Telegram, Whatsapp. After you have written a message or filled out the form, an iFish manager will contact you to discuss the details of the order.

Website cost calculator

1. What kind of website do you need?

2. Do you have a website prototype?

A prototype is a future site plan, where all content is divided into meaningful blocks.

3. How many pages will the site have?

4. What design do you want?

5. What functionality?

Your website will cost approximately:

(+ - 75 €)

Ориентировочная сумма:

Describe your task

Provide contacts


    We will develop a brand and platform for online sales [Site ❤ Landing ❤ Online store ❤ Portal]. We will build a system for automating processes in your business [CRM ❤ Telephony ]. Let's create a lead generation system using internet marketing tools [PPC ❤ SEO ❤ SMM]

    Choose a communication method that is convenient for you:

    Evaluation of your project
    Construction of a work plan
    Prices and terms