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Website development for writer Denys Tsvaig


Create a multilingual website to sell the book «The Third World Cyber War» around the world.



  • Make a stylish book presentation.
  • Introduce the author and talk about his achievements in the field of cybersecurity.
  • Prepare a technological design that matches the theme.
  • Allow users to place an order, pre-order, subscribe and make a donation.


Modern multi-page website in cyberpunk style

Individual development of the site included the creation of a logical structure, the implementation of multilingualism (English, Ukrainian, French), the formation of sections to inform about the book and the author, the preparation of feedback forms and adaptive design.

We have developed a light, easy-to-read design that evokes associations with computer technology, data protection and robots.




Book presentation

Background writing and fascinating plot

We visualized the book and placed blocks in which the purpose of its writing and a brief summary were indicated. Added buttons for quick ordering and obtaining additional information. Since the book contains real stories of hacker attacks and talks about the terrible consequences of such intrusions, they emphasized the importance of cyber literacy and protecting the digital world.


The main page of the site succinctly presents the book and its author, and contains information about cyber warfare. Blocks with a subscription for receiving professional advice on data protection and an appeal to support the project aimed at informing the population and strengthening the protection of strategic facilities from hacker attacks have also been added here. Additional sections – about the book, the author’s real achievements in the field of cybersecurity, news, history.



Author’s presentation

Since the purpose of the site is not only to sell the book, but also to present the author, who provides professional advice and services on cybersecurity, it was decided to create a separate section dedicated to demonstrating the experience and achievements of Denis Zweig.


Digital agency Europe

We will develop a brand and platform for online sales [Site ❤ Landing ❤ Online store ❤ Portal]. We will build a system for automating processes in your business [CRM ❤ Telephony ]. Let's create a lead generation system using internet marketing tools [PPC ❤ SEO ❤ SMM]

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